Earlier this week I caught some of a fb live Kendra Hennessy was doing. She mentioned having just written down a rabbit hole into unbearable old hurts. Things she forgot but her mind didn’t that she still holds onto 10+ years later that make themselves known in weird random ways. She mentioned how she only gets there with raw and honest journaling. Diving deep.
I immediately pictured this space. How I come here to write and to dig deep into myself in this unadulterated sort of way.
And then I realized I don’t.
I used to write unadulterated rawness in the Bee book. I used to write that way at Jack’s too. But I don’t rabbit hole rawness here. Which means I’m not rabbit hole’ing rawness anywhere, which is probably a huge problem.
Everything I write here is real and valid. It’s hard and life and easy and random. But it’s not the really deep stuff.
I wrote last week about needing to write about the god-sized hole. How that expression sparked something in me. This week I’ve been listening to podcasts about enneagram 2s and more sparked in me.
If I’m not careful, I’m gonna burn it all down.
Coming soon will be lots of trigger warnings. I’m finally ready.