I jacked up my knee(s) a bit. I’m thinking it’s patellar tendinitis. Seems the most likely culprit.
The universe was like “hold up, li’l girl” and then instead of stomping about it–because that would have really hurt–I said “okay” and I complied without complaint.
I am no less committed to my dream, though I certainly feel the affects of this injury on my heart.
Yes, it sucks and I’m trying to honor those feelings in myself. I don’t want to dismiss or compartmentalize them. It does suck and I recognize that. But also, I have the tools and support to navigate it.
I will keep chugging along.
From the start I have viewed this time as both training and running. Training wants to be the focus. I’ll ice and rest for now and then I’ll start strength training, increase walking, and focus on endurance in other ways. This isn’t a hard stop. It’s just a speed bump.
I still choose joy. I am still a runner.