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Tag Archives: training
The beating of your heart.
Training day #4. I took a running break today. The reasons were threefold, but mostly it came down to time. I mean, yes, totally I should take breaks. But also, I’m one to delay a break. So I used the … Continue reading
Posted in Adventures in running, Uncategorized
Tagged downtime, playtime, the middle one, the oldest, training, walking
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No more false starts and no dead end.
Oh, Thursday, you challenge me so. As a regular part of my lifestyle, I have an eating window. It’s typically noon to 7pm. I’ve been working out recently and it also is usually some time between 12 and 7. Intermittent … Continue reading
I see what I can.
Day #2 of training. The universe is highly amused. I was apprehensive about training today because I got so tired so quick yesterday. I desperately want running to be awesome and cathartic. I’m not there yet. So far it’s more … Continue reading
I’m done with sleeping.
I said I want to run a 5K and this weird switch happened in my head. Despite all the things I fear and all my insecurities, I don’t give a shit about any of that right now. I just want … Continue reading
I’m a sucker for you.
I’m going to train for a 5k! I just decided. I’m freaking stoked!! And terrified. But mostly stoked!